“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The tale of the ugly lamp.

I went yard sale-ing a while back and got saw this table lamp for $1 and while it was ugly ( think tacky brushed silver and white) I had an idea I'd be able to turn it into something amazing!

So the first thing I did was I spray painted that sucker with this textured spray paint that I found in my garage, I can't even remember what it was supposed to go to, or what I used it for but it was this one:
I know it says outdoor spaces on it but I've had and used this lamp for about a month now and it seems like its working to me. So I sprayed that evenly and let it dry while I visited our local Target store and got a basic drum lampshade for I think around $15. Okay so originally I wanted to paint the lampshade in this super cool ikat pattern, however as I found out, that was a really hard design to do AND the tape I used left residue, which pretty much just looked awful. So to fix it I just went ahead and painted over it pink. Well, that turned out not to be so good because you could still see the tape residue when the light shined through it so on a whim I was looking around my room, and remembered I had this great scrapbook paper. So I decided to cut out some circles of the scrapbook paper  I already had the paper but I bought it at our local Michael's craft store, and the circle cutter too, (Fiskars brand is the best I think ).
So after cutting tons and tons of circles I glued them to the shade in an overlapping pattern, which I kind of thought resembled fish scales. So after it was all dry I popped a lightbulb in and flipped the switch and  TA-DA  a brand new (to me atleast) cute table lamp!
** and yes that is my handsome boyfriend in the photo :)

Breaking In a BRAND NEW BLOG

What better way to break in a "new" blog (comparable to the age old journal) than with a good old questionnaire? This my friends is no ordinary questionnaire, but one from the highly famous, critically acclaimed Vanity Fair! Before I reveal my innermost thoughts, and hopes and dreams, here is a little history about the questionnaire:
* The official title of the questionnaire is "The Proust Questionnaire" and it is published in the back of each magazine.
* It's a Q & A which highlights ( and also spotlights) the rich and famous, comparable to the quizzes in Cosmopolitan Magazine.
* It got its name "Proust" from Marcel Proust, who was a famous French novelist best known for his novel In Search of Lost Time 
* It made its way into Vanity Fair because so many people on the staff, loved Proust!  ( for better detailed information on the background story go to www.chick.net/proust/question.html )

So here goes:
1. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
When I've had nothing to eat all day, and I'm stressed out, and it's hot outside and I'm sweating bullets and there's no relief in sight.
2. Where would you like to live?
Some place where the temperature doesn't go above 73 degrees and I have a view of some water, preferably a lake, where it looks similar to this (lake gaston, nc) every morning when I wake up.
3. What is your idea of earthly happiness?
To be surrounded by people who love you and be completely content, no wants or desires, just your mind at ease, being able to take in all the joy for whats around you.
4. To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
over thinking
5. Who is your favorite painter?
6. Your favorite musician?
 I love some Taylor Swift and I also really really like Iron & Wine. I like a lot of everything.
7.What is your favorite color?
Blue! I like gray as well though.
8. What is your favorite flower?
actually its a combination, I love dahlias and hydrangeas !